Thursday 31 October 2013

Aim High Achieve More

Most of us are not aware of a reality, a small secret that we subconsciously experience many a times in our life, but we don't realize it.
It is simple, straight forward, yet extremely powerful the moment we realize its importance. Robin Sharma has rightly quoted- "Never underestimate the power of simplicity"
The secret is- 'Everything in the world is created twice'. Right from the Eiffel tower to the Taj Mahal, from the first car to the supersonic jet, everything is created twice.
Surprised!! Here is the inside story, first it is created in our mind, and then in the real world. Considering this unobserved reality, it is not difficult to conclude that what you think and the way you think is directly correlated to what you create, how you live and above all- What You Become!
You have noticed me mentioning a lot of times on my facebook page that most people do not realize the unlimited potential residing inside them. This "double creation theory" can be considered as a stepping stone to the destiny that we can create with our thoughts. Our success & failures, productivity & lethargy, all depend on our mind and thoughts. And the same mind also controls our actions, our body movements and the things we ultimately CREATE. So that is a direct relation, when you focus your thoughts towards the bigger purposes of your life, towards the biggest aims of your life and make a stern decision to make yourself Super Successful, you are ought to achieve it with the necessary actions in place.
Don't limit yourself just because "everyone" says so. Don't think or act small just because "everyone" thinks so. And certainly don't resign to mediocrity just because "everyone" does that. Enhance and experience the power of aiming high and dreaming big to achieve more. Motivate yourself and others to go beyond conventions and AIM FOR NOTHING BUT THE PEAK!

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